The future of the popular teen drama “Euphoria” has been uncertain since Season 2 ended in February 2022. The show, created by Sam Levinson, became a huge success on HBO after its first two seasons. However, getting the cast back together has become harder as stars like Zendaya, Sydney Sweeney, and Jacob Elordi’s careers have taken off.
Even with the cast members’ growing film careers, production for Season 3 was supposed to start in summer 2024. Levinson had revealed plans for a “film noir” style third season, jumping five years ahead to follow the characters’ adult lives after high school. But reports of creative disagreements and scheduling issues led HBO to announce in March that the cast would be free to take other jobs this summer.
In a statement, HBO said, “HBO and Sam Levinson are still committed to making an excellent third season. For now, we’re allowing our in-demand cast to pursue other opportunities.”
This unclear situation has made fans wonder if the show will ever return. In a recent interview, lead actress Zendaya was open to coming back under the right creative circumstances but did not confirm a third season.
“If it’s right for the characters and everything works out, of course,” Zendaya said. “But it’s out of my control.”
Other cast members have had mixed reactions, with Sydney Sweeney supporting the planned time jump and Storm Reid saying she was “disappointed” but “not surprised” about the delay.