After being disturbed by his own look in a recent advertisement created by the recreational AI, Tom Hanks has made a startling statement. No one was more stunned than Tom Hanks himself, considering he had no part with its conception, when he saw the Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan actor appear in a video marketing a new dental plan. Hanks, informed his followers on Saturday (1 October) that he had “nothing to do with” the creation of the promotional clip that is currently going viral. The clip was created without Hank’s consent of his own imitation reproduced by AI.
Hanks posted a picture of the AI version of himself on Instagram with the remark, ““BEWARE!! There’s a video out there promoting some dental plan with an AI version of me. I have nothing to do with it.” Although the actor who played Elvis did not consent for his identity to be used in the video, Robert Zemeckis, who directed Polar Express and Cast Away, will be giving him the AI approach in a new project.
Hanks and Robin Wright will star in the director’s next film Here, which is set exclusively within the walls of a single room and follows its inhabitants over a period of many years. The news of their casting was made public in January.
The Hollywood Reporter stated at the time that the deepfakes startup inhumane technology which specialises on artificial intelligence, would be used “extensively” to age-reverse Hanks and Wright. “I’ve always been attracted to technology that helps me to tell a story.With Here, the film simply wouldn’t work without our actors seamlessly transforming into younger versions of themselves. Metaphysic’s AI tools do exactly that, in ways that were previously impossible,” said Zemeckis in a statement.
However, one of the reasons actors are going on strike is because of the usage of AI in Hollywood movies. Many actors fear that they will lose their employment to AI-created replicas of themselves that are exploited without their consent.