The acclaimed British actor Ian McKellen, known for his role as Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings films, has shared his candid views on Donald Trump’s oratory abilities, describing the former US president as “an absolute bewilderment” when it comes to public speaking.
In an interview with The Times of London, McKellen, who is currently playing Falstaff on stage in the UK, expressed his opinion that Trump is “one of the worst public speakers there has ever been.” The 85-year-old actor stated that whether Trump is reading from a script or not, his lack of skill as an orator is evident.
“I haven’t seen him live. But he’s one of the worst public speakers there has ever been. Whether he’s reading a script or not, it’s so patent what he is.”
85-year-old McKellen, currently playing Falstaff on stage in the UK, said great powers of oratory may be thing of the past:
“I remember leaving my school [in Bolton] in the sixth form and cycling down to the town square to see [1950s Welsh Labour Party politician] Aneurin Bevan on the hustings without a microphone. There aren’t any great orators like that around, are there?” and he added that politicians “don’t spend enough time looking at themselves and saying, ‘Well, I didn’t believe that person.’”
McKellen also reflected on the decline of great public speakers in modern times, recalling his youth when he witnessed politicians like Aneurin Bevan deliver powerful speeches without the aid of a microphone. He lamented that there don’t seem to be any great orators around today and suggested that politicians “don’t spend enough time” self-reflecting on their ability to connect with audiences.
Despite his prolific acting career spanning over 60 years, McKellen remains cautious in selecting his roles, treating each potential script as if it could be his last. However, he expressed willingness to reprise his iconic role as Gandalf if called upon for the upcoming film “The Hunt for Gollum,” set to be produced by Peter Jackson and directed by Andy Serkis, though he clarified that there are currently no concrete plans or offers.
Through his comments, McKellen not only criticized Trump’s public speaking abilities but also highlighted the importance of oratory skills and self-reflection for contemporary political leaders.