Not long after Brad Pitt made his affair public, Pax Jolie-Pitt voiced harsh criticism of his father. The tirade he shared on his Instagram feed has gone viral. He shared an Instagram story to wish his father, the legendary Brad Pitt, a happy Father’s Day. Though the 19-year-old used the word “happy,” there was no emotion of positivity in his wish. “Happy Father’s Day to this awful person!! “, he commented under an image of Brad holding an Oscar. “You consistently prove yourself to be a terrible and despicable person.”
“You have no consideration or empathy toward your four youngest children who tremble in fear when in your presence. You will never understand the damage you have done to my family because you are incapable of doing so,” he added. He ended his statement with, “You have made the lives of those closest to me a constant hell” according to pictures made public by Daily Mail. ” You may tell yourself and the world whatever you want, but the truth will come to light someday. So, Happy Father’s Day, you terrible human being!”
The twins Knox and Vivienne (15), Zahara (18), and Shiloh (17) are the four youngest children who are reportedly afraid. The “Maleficent” actor adopted Zahara from Awasa, Ethiopia in 2005; the other three are Brad and Angelina’s biological children. In the same vein, Pax was taken in by Angelina, from Vietnam in 2007 at the age of three. He was formally adopted by Brad a year afterward. There are other people who are upset with Brad besides Pax. Zahara has also dropped the “Pitt” from her surname. She recently entered the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority at the Spelman College Atlanta campus. Angelina went to Zahara’s luncheon reception in Georgia with Pax and Maddox. There are rumors circulating that Brad is dating 26-year-old jewelry designer Ines de Ramon.