Three months before the commencement of production on “Terminator: Dark Fate,” the 2019 action blockbuster that served as the sixth entry in the venerable franchise, Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted in a recent YouTube video that he had undergone an unsuccessful open-heart surgery. before the commencement of the movie in which he was about to play a lead role. Schwarzenegger underwent his third open heart procedure, which was intended to be “non-invasive.”
Schwarzenegger recalled the doctor’s words after he woke up, “We made a mistake and poked through the heart wall and you had internal bleeding and we had to open you up very quickly to save your life.” Although the performer was “really freaking out,” he knew there was nothing he could do to “roll the clock back” and fix the error, so he plunged headlong into his recovery.
Schwarzenegger said, “I was in the middle of a disaster, so now how do I get out of it? You have to shift gears. Collect yourself, shift gears, and say, ‘Okay what I need to do now is get out of this hospital.’ How do I get out of the hospital is getting out of my bed and start walking.”
The actor continued his remarks, “I looked like an idiot, you know, waddling around in the hallways, but the bottom line was I was getting going because the doctors said, ‘You have to exercise your lungs because if you get pneumonia, you can die, I wanted to get really going with exercise, get out of the house as quickly as possible, and then get going with the training again because three months later I started with ‘Terminator 6,’ so I had to be in shape. I had to move around, run around, lift things up, do the fight scenes, and all of these kinds of things.”
Schwarzenegger attributes his ability to get back in shape for “Terminator: Dark Fate,” which turned out to be his final appearance in the franchise, to his “positive attitude” and the hospital’s support staff. The actor proclaimed formerly this year, “The franchise is not done. I’m done, I got the message loud and clear that the world wants to move on with a different theme when it comes to ‘The Terminator.’ Someone has to come up with a great idea.”