Actor Jonathan Majors has reportedly filed a complaint against the woman who accused him of assaulting her during an altercation in New York City earlier this year. The Creed III star, who strongly denies the charges, was arrested in March after allegedly assaulting an unnamed woman in a car. He was subsequently charged with assault and harassment, with his trial scheduled to begin on August 3.
Following a recent court appearance, Majors, 33, reportedly visited a precinct in downtown Manhattan the next day to file a domestic violence incident report. According to documents obtained by Insider, the Marvel actor alleged that the woman had become intoxicated and hysterical, causing him pain and resulting in injuries. Majors claimed that the woman had previously attacked him on multiple occasions, although he did not file reports at the time.
During the filing, police asked Majors a series of questions, including whether the suspect was capable of causing harm to him or children, whether the suspect displayed constant jealousy, and whether the frequency or severity of physical violence had increased over the past six months. Majors admitted to grabbing the victim to prevent her from leaving the car, as she allegedly grabbed his face, coat, and phone, causing a significant cut on his face.
Majors expressed concern for the woman’s safety near traffic and stated that he physically put her back in the car. Additionally, the woman is accused of using Majors’ credit card to make unauthorized purchases totaling between $6,000 and $7,000 (£4,200-£5,500) following the incident.
Following his initial arrest, Majors was released from custody on his own recognizance and granted a limited order of protection. The woman involved claimed that Majors had pulled her finger, twisted her arm behind her back, and struck and cut her ear while forcing her into the car. Majors’ lawyer, Priya Chaudhry, has repeatedly asserted his innocence and stated that there is video evidence showing the woman attacking the actor instead.
During a recent court appearance, Judge Rachel Pauley scheduled Majors’ trial for August 3, wishing him the best of luck. Majors was accompanied by his girlfriend, actress Meagan Good, who offered support by holding his hand as they entered the courtroom. If convicted, Majors could face a sentence of up to one year in jail.
Please note that the rephrased version is a result of paraphrasing and does not represent the actual events or statements.