Al Pacino, the iconic star of “The Godfather,” is eagerly awaiting the arrival of his fourth child at the remarkable age of 82, with his 29-year-old girlfriend, Noor Alfallah. This exciting news comes just weeks after Robert De Niro, also 79, revealed that he had recently become a father again.
Representatives for Al Pacino have confirmed that Noor, a glamorous film producer who is 53 years younger than the legendary actor, is set to give birth in just a month’s time. The couple, with their significant age gap, began their relationship in April of the previous year, and sources previously revealed that Noor is often involved with wealthy older men.
Noor’s romantic history includes a noteworthy affair with Mick Jagger, the legendary 79-year-old frontman of the Rolling Stones, back in 2017 when she was just 22. Despite the raised eyebrows due to their substantial age difference, Noor shared that their connection was purely based on feelings and that their ages did not matter to her. She described it as a happy time and her first serious relationship.
Following her time with Mick Jagger, Noor was linked to director and actor Clint Eastwood, who is now 91. However, she clarified that they were merely family friends. In 2018, she dated billionaire philanthropist Nicolas Berggruen, who is currently 61 years old. That same year, she was spotted on several dates with Eli Roth, the 51-year-old director of the film “Hostel.”
Noor’s upbringing was nothing short of extraordinary, having grown up in the exclusive Beverly Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles. She pursued her education at the renowned UCLA School of Film and Television and later embarked on a successful career as a film producer. Noor, the eldest of four siblings, was raised by her Kuwaiti father, Falah, and her American mother, Alana. Her father holds the position of president at Q8 Capital Inc., according to his LinkedIn profile.
Presently, Noor works as the vice president of Lynda Obst Productions at Sony and is reportedly involved in the development of two feature films with Obst. In 2021, she and her sister Remi struck a pod-producing deal with Brian Grazer, the chairman of Imagine Entertainment. Notably, Noor’s younger sister Remi gained attention in 2013 when she was romantically linked to Prince, the late Michael Jackson’s son. They were spotted on numerous dates during their time at the Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, California.
The Alfallah family’s fortune has been estimated to be in the high nine-figures, as reported by The New York Post in 2013. Over the years, Noor has cultivated a remarkable circle of high-profile friends, including Brian Grazer and his wife Veronica, with whom she frequently shares photos on her private Instagram account. Her social media presence also showcases her luxurious jet-set lifestyle, with posts from opulent destinations like Cap d’Antibes, France, where she enjoyed the hospitality of fashion designer Jean Pigozzi at his private villa.
In summary, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro’s journey into fatherhood with their younger partners has captivated attention. Meanwhile, Noor Alfallah’s romantic escapades and lavish background paint a picture of an extraordinary life intertwined with the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry.