Actor Chris Pratt has recently found himself in hot water after he compared himself to Jesus during an interview with Men’s Fitness. The comment, which was made during a discussion about his career and personal life, has caused a backlash among some who feel that it was inappropriate and disrespectful.
Pratt is no stranger to controversy, having faced criticism in the past for his political beliefs and outspoken support for hunting. However, this latest incident has touched a nerve with many who view his comments as particularly egregious.
During the interview, Pratt stated, “I don’t see personal stories that necessarily resonate with me, because they’re not my stories. I think there’s room for me to tell mine, and probably an audience that would be hungry for them. The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood.”
He went on to say, “I really feel there’s common ground out there that’s missed because we focus on the things that separate us. You’re either the red state or the blue state, the left or the right. Not everything is politics. And maybe that’s something I’d want to help bridge, because I don’t feel represented by either side.”
It was at this point that Pratt made the controversial comparison to Jesus, saying, “The voice of a creator, an artist – that’s a divine gift to create things and to turn something from nothing. The act of creating is not a selfish act. You’re not creating something for yourself. You’re creating something that’s going to be of service, to help somebody else. That’s like Jesus creating loaves and fishes. It’s a miracle.”
Pratt’s comments have been met with a mixed response. Some have defended him, arguing that he was simply using a metaphor to express his views on creativity and the role of artists in society. Others, however, have been more critical, accusing him of trivializing the Christian faith and comparing himself to a religious figure in a way that is inappropriate and offensive.
In the wake of the controversy, Pratt has yet to issue a public statement addressing the issue directly. However, his representatives have released a statement to the media in which they defended the actor, saying that he was not trying to make a theological statement or compare himself to Jesus in a literal sense.
“Chris Pratt is a devout Christian who feels that his faith is an important part of his life,” the statement read. “However, he was not trying to make a theological statement or compare himself to Jesus in a literal sense. He was simply expressing his views on creativity and the role of artists in society, using a metaphor that he felt was appropriate.”
While it remains to be seen how this latest controversy will affect Pratt’s career, it is clear that the issue has struck a nerve with many people. Whether or not his comments were intended to be taken literally, they have sparked an important conversation about the role of religion in public life and the appropriate ways in which public figures should talk about faith.