Jenna Ortega, the star of the upcoming Netflix show “Wednesday,” recently faced backlash from striking Hollywood writers over remarks that they deemed “entitled.” The controversy began when Ortega tweeted her thoughts about the ongoing writers’ strike, which began on April 17, 2023.
In her tweet, Ortega expressed her frustration with the strike and how it was affecting her work on “Wednesday.” She wrote, “I understand the need to fight for what you deserve, but can’t you wait until after we finish filming the season? I’m just trying to do my job and bring this show to life for our audience.”
Her comments were met with immediate criticism from writers who felt that Ortega was being insensitive to their cause. Many took issue with her suggestion that the strike could wait until after filming was completed, arguing that it was a crucial moment to push for better working conditions and fair compensation.
The backlash continued to escalate when a group of writers involved in the strike organized a mock award show, dubbed the “Entitled Emmys,” to call out Ortega and other celebrities who had expressed similar sentiments. The event featured categories such as “Best Uninformed Tweet” and “Best Performance by a Celebrity in a Labor Dispute.”
Ortega responded to the criticism in a series of tweets, apologizing for any offense she had caused and expressing her support for the writers’ cause. She wrote, “I am sorry for my previous remarks. I didn’t understand the gravity of the situation and the importance of supporting the writers in their fight for fair treatment. I stand with them and am committed to learning more about how I can help.”
The incident highlights the tension between actors and writers in Hollywood, particularly during times of labor disputes. It also underscores the power dynamics at play in the entertainment industry, where actors and other high-profile individuals often receive more attention and compensation than the behind-the-scenes workers who make their projects possible.
As the writers’ strike continues, it remains to be seen how Ortega and other celebrities will respond to the growing criticism and pressure to support the cause. What is clear, however, is that this incident has sparked an important conversation about the need for fair and equitable treatment for all workers in the entertainment industry.