Actor Robert Pattinson is set to star in director Adam McKay’s upcoming film “AVERAGE HEIGHT, AVERAGE BUILD.” The movie is described as a character-driven drama with comedic elements, which is a departure for McKay, who is best known for directing political satires such as “The Big Short” and “Vice.”
Pattinson has been on a hot streak in recent years, with critically acclaimed performances in films such as “Good Time,” “High Life,” and “The Lighthouse.” The actor is also set to play the lead role in Matt Reeves’ upcoming Batman film, which is currently in production.
“AVERAGE HEIGHT, AVERAGE BUILD” marks the first collaboration between Pattinson and McKay. The plot of the film has been kept under wraps, but it is expected to be a departure from McKay’s usual style of comedy and satire.
McKay has expressed his excitement to work with Pattinson, stating that the actor has a “unique talent and charisma” that will bring depth and complexity to the character he will be portraying. The director also praised Pattinson’s dedication to his craft and his willingness to take on challenging roles.
While the film is still in early stages of development, the announcement of Pattinson’s involvement has generated buzz among fans of both the actor and the director. Many are eager to see how Pattinson will tackle a new genre and how McKay will handle a more character-driven drama.
Overall, “AVERAGE HEIGHT, AVERAGE BUILD” promises to be an intriguing project, and the collaboration between Pattinson and McKay is sure to be one to watch for film enthusiasts. With both talents at the top of their game, the film is sure to be a success.