Zachary Levi, the actor who portrays the titular hero in the 2019 superhero film “Shazam!,” recently confirmed that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson had attempted to make him and fellow actor Henry Cavill the center of the DC Universe. In a recent interview, Levi revealed that Johnson had selfishly denied Shazam’s cameo in the upcoming film “Black Adam.”
During an appearance on “The Illuminati’s ‘The Nerd Queens’ Show,” Levi spoke about his experiences in the DC Universe and the role that Johnson had played in it. According to Levi, Johnson had attempted to make himself the central figure in the DC Universe, at the expense of other characters.
“Dwayne has been very selfishly focused on the idea that ‘Black Adam’ is the central point for the entire DC Universe,” Levi said. “He wants to make sure that he is at the center of everything, and that he is the main character.”
Levi went on to explain that Johnson had denied Shazam’s cameo in “Black Adam,” despite the fact that it would have made sense for the character to appear. “We were trying to work out a way to get Shazam into ‘Black Adam,’ but Dwayne didn’t want that to happen,” he said. “He wanted to keep the focus solely on himself and Henry.”
Levi’s comments shed light on the inner workings of the DC Universe and the politics that often play a role in film production. While Johnson’s desire to make “Black Adam” the center of the universe may seem understandable, it is clear that his actions had a negative impact on the potential for cross-over events and character development.
Despite the setbacks, Levi remains committed to his role as Shazam and the larger DC Universe. “I love playing this character, and I believe in the larger universe that we’re trying to create,” he said. “I just hope that we can find a way to work together and make the best films possible.”
In the end, the clash between Johnson and Levi highlights the challenges that can arise in bringing together different characters and storylines in a shared cinematic universe. It remains to be seen how the DC Universe will evolve in the future, but fans can rest assured that Levi and his fellow actors will continue to bring their best performances to the screen.