James Gunn has confirmed his casting on Twitter.“Welcome to the Guardians family, Will Poulter. He’s an amazing actor and a wonderful guy. See you in a couple of weeks“. The third installment of the Guardians of the Galaxy is scheduled to begin shooting in around November. This sums up pretty well about Gunn’s see you in a next week comment.
In Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, the post-credit scene featured a fragment of what will be the base of the third party. Adam, as it is mentioned, will obliterate the Guardians of the galaxy once and for all, and Marvel fans went nuts, and here we are with everything.
Adam Warlock, created as “Him” by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, originally appeared in late 1967 in the then-ongoing Fantastic Four comic book series. He had a minor role though. It was Roy Thomas and Gil Kane who transformed Him into Adam Warlock, an allegory for the Messiah in 1972. Yes, Adam Warlock named after the first man per Christianity has parallels to Jesus Christ. And it was Jim Starlin who took Adam into cosmic waters in 1975. Having some direct philosophical references from the bible the Character certainly seems incredible in its own way.
Adam Warlock is what a true Nihilist would seem to be, imagine how proud Friedrich Nietzsche would, (he’s dead just so you know). Nonetheless, the character is far more alluring than Thanos and that is for certain.
Will Poulter joins the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3, which includes Chris Pratt as Peter Quill / Star-Lord, Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer, Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper as the voice of Groot and Rocket respectively, Karen Gillan as Nebula, Pom Klementieff as Mantis, Debicki as Ayesha, and Sean Gunn as Kraglin Obfonteri.
And last but not least behind the scenes, Gunn is directing, with Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige serving as producer.