Universal Pictures has recently released the final trailer for the film Dear Evan Hansen, it’s based on the high school-set film based on the popular Broadway hit by Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul. Directed by Stephen Chbosky and starring Ben Platt, who reprises his Tony Award-winning role, Dear Evan Hansen is slated for a September 24 release.
The almost three-minute trailer comprises the whole story covering almost all major aspects like Social Anxiety Disorder and other such subjects which the student Evan Hansen suffers from. He finds himself in a tough spot from the very beginning when a fellow student named Connor dies by suicide. Connor’s parents are led to believe that Evan was his only friend, inadvertently tying him and Connor to each other, and unleashing a wave of scrutiny that threatens to consume him.
The storyline aims to connect with those who feel out of place or lonely in this fast-paced digital era that is driven by social validation. The final trailer has been panned by critics and has garnered 47% ratings on Rotten Tomatoes.
Dear Evan Hansen also features Kaitlyn Dever, Julianne Moore, Amy Adams, Amandla Stenberg, and others, and will be premiering in theaters on September 24.