After he became the only South Korean director who won the Palme d’Or with “Parasite”, Bong Joon Ho returned to the Cannes Film Festival for a career-spanning masterstroke. The year before, Bong devoted much of his quarantine time working on the adaptation of “Parasite” together into a tv show with former colleague Adam McKay.McKay clarified in April that the show is not really a replica but rather a new chapter based on the same premise as the feature.
“‘Parasite’ is a film about wealthy and poor families, which is a problem everywhere,” Bong explained at Cannes. “I hope [the television series] will be a work of genius. I collaborated with Adam McKay, who is figuring out the scenario. We will do it in the United States.” “The theme is still resonating in France and elsewhere,” Bong added. “Many of [us] would like to be wealthy, but I believe we all fear falling into poverty. I’m working on the HBO rendition of ‘Parasite.’ It’ll be a dark comedy. I’m collaborating closely with screenwriter McKay. This time, I’m contributing as a producer.”
Bong stated that he had no idea “Parasite” itself would really become an international juggernaut. Following its landmark Palme d’Or triumph at Cannes, the cinema would go on to make even more progress again at the Oscars. At that point, it also earned the only foreign-language film to make The Final cut.
Bong also hinted at another upcoming project, an animation film that was first mentioned in May. Somewhere at that moment, it was revealed that Bong had already been engaged on the animated project from 2018 and would conclude writing the screenplay in January 2021. During Cannes, Bong claimed that the feature was influenced by a French educational book that his wife purchased and brought it home. The photos of the aquatic creatures were incredible. His imagination grabbed over afterward.
Claire Nouvian’s “The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss” (2007) is the work, and according to Bong, “the undersea hues are really stunning.” The book served as the beginning point. It serves as the foundation for the storyline and visuals. He said that he’d always wanted to try his hand at animation. Bong believes the production will be completed after his next feature. He also has a visual effects crew. The animation film could be released in 2025 or 2026.